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Garston Manor School

Garston Manor School

Specialist School for Autism, Learning Difficulties and Speech and Language

Post 16, College and Careers 

Careers education at Garston Manor introduces students to the world of work and next steps after leaving school. Students are given experiences of the world of work, have talks and workshops from outside agencies and are introduced the opportunities available to them after they leave Garston Manor, including college and apprenticeships.  



We work closely with the local colleges where we have discussion, visits and session to support post-16 options for students. The colleges we have students move onto are: 

West Herts College (Watford Campus) 

 Students start on either life skills pathway, work skills pathway, or a Level 1 course. Throughout Year 11, students attend West Herts College every fortnight for our link course with the college. This supports with their transition at the end of Year 11.  

We encourage parents and carers to attend taster days and also book in a visit on a normal college day to see what goes on, these can be done in the summer term of Year 10 or first half term of Year 11.

Oakland’s College (St Albans campus) 

Students going to Oakland can move into the LIFE (Learning for Independence and Future Employment) department, which consists of Springfield, Supportive Learning and Foundation into Vocation. Some students may choose to attend Oakland’s College for their Level 1 pathway. At present Oaklands do not run link courses, students do occasional taster sessions/visits in the Spring or Summer term. 

College Transition Support 

Both Oaklands and West Herts have Transition Support workers (TSWs) who come into do talks to Year 11s, meet them and arrange visits for them they can sometimes attend EHCP meetings in Year 11 as well.  

Post 16 Transport to college is no longer fully funded by county, it is means tested. Some students will transition to college and be supported by travel trainers who support the students into becoming independent in getting to and from college, we know this is not for all students and work closely with the colleges to make sure that they are aware of each students and their capabilities.  


We encourage all Year 11 students to look at other possible routes Post-16.  

Apprenticeships can be found on the link below, however some may require some kind of formal Level 1 training prior to beginning so we would encourage students to make sure they find the right path for them and always apply for college first in case they are not successful in gaining an apprenticeship. 

 If students have found a work place, which run apprenticeships, and have had discussions with them regarding this placement, we can facilitate more regular and timetabled work experience for them throughout the year to support them with this transition.  


Work Experience

In the Spring term of Year 11 students complete a week of independent work experience, placements are sourced by Services for Young people or the students/families themselves. Students will spend a week in a work placement learning the roles with support from those at the placement, we do not send support with the students but staff will visit the placements or have a phone conversation with the student whilst they are there.  

Preparing for Adulthood 

Services for Young People Personal Advisors spent time with the Year 11s to do their Preparing for Adulthood documents (PFAs) ready for a student’s EHCP review. They will have guidance meetings on a 1-2-1 basis, observe students in class and discuss their aspirations and plans for their future. This is impartial advice and is completed with all Year 11 students. 

 Skills Academy

 All Year 11 students take part in a Skills Academy run by the Department for Works and Pensions school support.  

We involve parents in the careers programme via communication with home, parent’s evenings, college evenings and discussions during their EHCP meetings. The careers programme is regularly checked and changed to meet the needs of the students and make sure it is fit for purpose. 


Useful Websites 


Hertfordshire opportunities portal is a fantastic resource that has local information and careers advice, along with virtual employer encounters. 

Career box offer real life careers videos, latest labour market information along with advice and information for your future. 

If you have any questions or are a local employer and feel you would like to get involved with employment talks to our young people then please get in touch.  


Careers Lead and transition co-ordinator: Nat Granger