Vision and Aims
Growing Minds Succeed
At Garston Manor School it is our vision to become the Number 1 LD secondary school in all of Hertfordshire by 2021, providing an outstanding, unique and personalised learning experience for all students, parents/carers and staff. We will grow all minds to succeed.
Our responsibility is to the students in our school and those yet to join our school, their families, our staff and governors and all others who interact with our school.
Our Mission
We will nurture the moral, social, academic, spiritual, cultural, emotional and physical development of our school community.
The best interest of the students and staff will be at the heart of every decision.
Our students will be supported to grow into young people who respect the beliefs, cultures, backgrounds and religions of all sectors of society. They will also be supported to understand the importance of their own self-care and caring for others, to develop life-skills and to care for the environment.
Using the principle of a growth mind set, differentiated to ensure all can understand and access the principle, we will grow all minds in our school community to ensure individual and collective satisfaction and success.
We want our students and staff to develop emotional intelligence, take responsibility for own actions and contribute positively towards both their school and home communities.
We will work assiduously to apply our principle of ‘different for different’ to ensure equity for all, rather than equality of access and where possible, remove barriers to learning for all our community.
We will encourage all to recognise, reflect on and further develop their strengths and areas for growth, to fulfil their individual potential and to achieve personal and/or collective successes.
Our Values
At GMS we believe that:
- Each individual has a right to a carefully tailored personalised learning experience
- No individual should be left behind on our shared journey
- Each individual should be given every opportunity to be happy, to achieve, to develop their independence, to learn and to make choices
- Every individual has the right to be safe, happy, supported, learning and enjoying.