Headteacher's Welcome
“Our school is a good school where all visitors comment on the evidently happy students and staff, the lovely building and the calm, open and very welcoming atmosphere. We offer creative, exciting and relevant learning opportunities to all members of the school community, particularly our students, who are aged between 11 and 16 and who have a very wide range of difficulties and needs, from mild or moderate through to severe and complex, with an increasing co-morbidity of needs, especially related to complex medical needs.
The majority of our students have communication difficulties or disorders, including autism; and as a result, may become anxious and struggle to engage with the curriculum or indeed to learn. The school recognises the individuality of each student and using the slogan ‘different for different’, together with good to outstanding staff and practices, through constant evaluation of our work and in collaboration with parents, carers and other professionals, strives and endeavours to help each student achieve their maximum potential.”
Christine deGraft-Hanson, Headteacher.